Cosby Insurance Group of the Washington Metro Area, specializes in employer-based group health insurance plans, and offers informed expertise on the Affordable Care Act. It has 35 years of experience working with tech start-ups, defense contractors, and other medium-size businesses throughout the entire Northern Virginia area (NOVA), including Fauquier, Prince William, Fairfax, Loudoun, Arlington, Alexandria, and Fredericksburg counties. The company prides itself on offering unparalleled customer service with a personal touch. By providing you with a variety of options, it enables you to make the best choices for your unique business situation.
Cosby Insurance Group, CosbyIG, uses Health Savings Accounts (HSA) in conjunction with other tools like High Deductible Health Plans to help you balance cost and minimize risk. This results in quality coverage and controlled expense, all customized to your specific needs. CosbyIG works most effectively with start-up companies but with small and mid-size employers (25 – 350 employees). The staff of CosbyIG is constantly updating their own knowledge base, and frequently write and consult on the impact, requirements, and effects of the Affordable Care Act, as well as other legislation and policies associated with the insurance industry.