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Patient Protection and Affordable Care Act (PPACA), P.L. 111-148
Health Care and Education Reconciliation Act (HCERA), P.L. 111-152

Commentary & Analysis by Steven G. Cosby, MHSA:

"For better or for reform kicks in", Piedmont Business Journal
- by Steven G. Cosby, MHSA

"Shopping Health Care", Health Insurance Underwriters
- by Steven G. Cosby, MHSA

"Uninsured should not be the focus", OP-ED Modern Healthcare
- by Steven G. Cosby, MHSA

"Offering answers to 'What's happening to my health plan?'", Employee Benefit News
- by Steven G. Cosby, MHSA

"Health Care, No Longer Reform But Law", Warrenton Lifestyle Magazine
- by Steven G. Cosby, MHSA

"Our 'better nature' drives health-care reform", Fauquier Times-Democrat
- by Steven G. Cosby, MHSA

Domestic Perspective
(Employers and Individuals):

Individual Freedom vs. Government Control
Where Are The Innovators In Healthcare?
Health "Reform" That Isn't, by Robert J. Samuelson | National Center for Policy Analysis
IRS HSA Tri-Fold
HSA Insider Road Rules 9th Ed.
HSA Updates By The IRS
Eligible Medical Expenses IRS Publication 502 2008
HSA Resource Center
Who Killed Healthcare?
The SCHIP Debate
Senate Bill H.R. 3590 Quality, Affordable Health Care for All Americans
House Bill H.R. 3200 America's Affordable Health Choices Act of 2009
The Office of Personnel Management: A Power Player in America's Health Insurance Markets?

International Perspective:

Pan American Health Organization
Project Hope
World Health Organization
Global Health