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Americans’ Approval of Healthcare Law Declines

Currently 40% approve and 55% disapprove

Americans’ views of the 2010 healthcare law have worsened in recent weeks, with 40% approving and 55% disapproving of it. For most of the past year, Americans have been divided on the law, usually tilting slightly toward disapproval. The now 15-percentage-point gap between disapproval and approval is the largest Gallup has measured in the past year.

The results are based on Gallup’s annual Health and Healthcare poll, conducted Nov. 7-10.

Currently, 73% of Democrats, 39% of independents, and 8% of Republicans approve of the healthcare law. Approval is down at least marginally among all three groups since Gallup’s last update in late October.

Since the government health insurance exchanges opened on Oct. 1, Americans’ views of the healthcare law remained fairly steady even amid reports of widespread technical glitches with the websites.

Read the full report here.