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Tag: mandate reporting rules

The I.R.S.’s Final Mandate Reporting Rules? Still Complicated

Last summer, the Obama administration delayed implementing the employer mandate in the Affordable Care Act because, it said, it needed time to figure out how it might simplify the law’s complicated reporting requirements for businesses with 50 or more employees. “We don’t necessarily need to load up the vast majority of companies that are already doing the right thing with a bunch of additional paperwork,” President Obama told The Times in an interview in July, asking, “Are there simpler ways for us to allow them to certify that they’re providing health insurance?”

But the final regulations were released last week, and business groups are complaining that the only streamlining the Internal Revenue Service appears to have achieved is for itself.

Contact Steven Cosby with questions or to request more information and to schedule a healthcare plan evaluation, savings analysis or group plan solution for your company.
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