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Tag: Primary Health and Aging

Officials Question the Rising Costs of Generic Drugs

The prices of some generic drugs have soared more than 1,000 percent in the last year, and federal officials are demanding that generic drug makers explain the reasons for the increases or potentially face new regulation.

The increased use of generic drugs has been one of the rare success stories in national efforts to curb the nation’s $2.8 trillion medical bill, since generics have historically been far cheaper than name-brand versions. More than eight in 10 prescriptions are filled with generic drugs, according to the Food and Drug Administration. In the 10-year period from the beginning of 2003 through 2012, generic drug use has generated more than $1.2 trillion in savings, according to the Generic Pharmaceutical Association.

But prices of some generic drugs have risen sharply recently, prompting the new congressional investigation, led by Representative Elijah E. Cummings, the ranking member of the House Committee on Oversight and Government Reform, and Senator Bernard Sanders, chairman of the Senate Subcommittee on Primary Health and Aging.

Read the full article here.

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