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Category: Cosby Insurance Group

The Importance Of The Affordable Care Act To 20-Somethings

The Affordable Care Act may sound boring to some 20-year-olds, but it interests Zachary Cronkhite.

“The Affordable Care Act is a huge bill in politics,” said Cronkhite, a 20-year-old sophomore at Iowa Wesleyan College. “This doesn’t just involve my generation, but it involves every generation.”

Cronkhite was one of about 60 people who attended the Ethics and New Health Care Law Symposium at IWC Thursday evening, which featured a panel discussion on the Affordable Care Act.

Read the full report here.

Employees Choose Jobs Based On Benefits

Benefits packages play a major role in whether the majority of people will accept or reject a job, according to the Employee Benefit Research Institute.

More than three-quarters of employees say that the benefits package an employer offers prospective employees is extremely or very important in their decision to take the job, according to the 2013 Health and Voluntary Workplace Benefits Survey.

Thirty-one percent of respondents said they were only somewhat satisfied with the benefits offered by their current employer and 26 percent said they were not satisfied at all.

Read the full report here.

5 Ways To Buy Health Insurance Without A Government Exchange

The heart of the Affordable Care Act (ACA), the Health Insurance Marketplace, opened on October 1, and offers Americans a new way to purchase health insurance, but it is not the only way. Many Americans are reluctant to enroll in a health plan through a government exchange, either for ideological reasons or for privacy concerns.

The launch of the website has not gone smoothly, and users are currently finding the site slow, or completely frozen, when attempting to view plans and enroll. State sites have been doing generally better, but some not without their own difficulties.

Read the full report here.